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- ;; ru-translit.mim -- Cyrillic input method with translit keyboard layout
- ;; Copyright (C) 2007
- ;; Maxim Treskin <zerthurd@gmail.com>
- ;; This file is part of the m17n contrib; a sub-part of the m17n
- ;; library.
- ;; The m17n library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- ;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
- ;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- ;; The m17n library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
- ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- ;; License along with the m17n library; if not, write to the Free
- ;; Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
- ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- ;; Map based on cyrillic-translit part from emacs leim by
- ;; Ognyan Kulev <ogi@fmi.uni-sofia.bg> and Anton Zinoviev <anton@lml.bas.bg>
- (input-method ru translit)
- (description
- "Intuitively transliterated keyboard layout.
- Most convenient for entering Russian, but all Cyrillic characters
- are included. Should handle most cases. However:
- for ц (TSE) use \"c\", never \"ts\"
- щ (SHCHA = Bulgarian SHT) = \"shch\", \"sj\", \"/sht\" or \"/t\",
- э (REVERSE ROUNDED E) = \"e'\" or \"e`\"
- х (KHA) when after с (S) = \"x\" or \"kh\"
- ъ (HARD SIGN) = \"~\", Ъ (CAPITAL HARD SIGN) = \"~~\",
- ь (SOFT SIGN) = \"'\", Ь (CAPITAL SOFT SIGN) = \"''\",
- я (YA) = \"ya\", \"ja\" or \"q\".
- Russian alphabet: a b v=w g d e yo=jo zh z i j=j' k l m n o p r s t
- u f h=kh=x c ch sh shch=sj=/s=/sht ~ y ' e' yu=ju ya=ja=q
- Also included are Ukrainian є (YE) = \"/e\" and ї (YI) = \"yi\",
- Belarusian ў (SHORT U) = \"u'\",
- Serbo-Croatian ђ (DJE) = \"/d\", ћ (CHJE)= \"/ch\",
- Macedonian ѓ (GJE) = \"/g\", ѕ (DZE) = \"/s\", ќ (KJE) = \"/k\",
- cyrillic і (I DECIMAL) = \"/i\", ј (JE) = \"/j\",
- љ (LJE) = \"/l\", њ (NJE) = \"/n\" and џ (DZE) =\"/z\".
- ")
- (title "Жt")
- (map
- (map
- ("a" ?╨░)
- ("b" ?╨▒)
- ("v" ?╨▓)
- ("w" ?╨▓)
- ("g" ?╨│)
- ("d" ?╨┤)
- ("e" ?╨╡)
- ("je" ?╨╡)
- ("yo" ?ё)
- ("jo" ?ё)
- ("zh" ?╨╢)
- ("z" ?╨╖)
- ("i" ?╨╕)
- ("j" ?╨╣)
- ("j'" ?╨╣)
- ("j`" ?╨╣)
- ("k" ?╨║)
- ("l" ?╨╗)
- ("m" ?╨╝)
- ("n" ?╨╜)
- ("o" ?╨╛)
- ("p" ?╨┐)
- ("r" ?р)
- ("s" ?с)
- ("t" ?т)
- ("u" ?у)
- ("f" ?ф)
- ("x" ?х)
- ("h" ?х)
- ("kh" ?х)
- ("c" ?ц)
- ("ch" ?ч)
- ("sh" ?ш)
- ("shch" ?щ)
- ("sj" ?щ)
- ("/sht" ?щ)
- ("/t" ?щ)
- ("~" ?ъ)
- ("y" ?ы)
- ("'" ?ь)
- ("`" ?ь)
- ("e'" ?э)
- ("e`" ?э)
- ("e~" ?ѣ)
- ("yu" ?ю)
- ("ju" ?ю)
- ("ya" ?я)
- ("ja" ?я)
- ("q" ?я)
- ("A" ?А)
- ("B" ?Б)
- ("V" ?В)
- ("W" ?В)
- ("G" ?Г)
- ("D" ?Д)
- ("E" ?Е)
- ("Je" ?Е)
- ("JE" ?Е)
- ("Yo" ?Ё)
- ("YO" ?Ё)
- ("Jo" ?Ё)
- ("JO" ?Ё)
- ("Zh" ?Ж)
- ("ZH" ?Ж)
- ("Z" ?З)
- ("I" ?╨ÿ)
- ("J" ?Й)
- ("J'" ?Й)
- ("J`" ?Й)
- ("K" ?К)
- ("L" ?Л)
- ("M" ?М)
- ("N" ?Н)
- ("O" ?О)
- ("P" ?П)
- ("R" ?Р)
- ("S" ?С)
- ("T" ?Т)
- ("U" ?У)
- ("F" ?Ф)
- ("X" ?Х)
- ("H" ?Х)
- ("Kh" ?Х)
- ("KH" ?Х)
- ("C" ?Ц)
- ("Ch" ?Ч)
- ("CH" ?Ч)
- ("Sh" ?Ш)
- ("SH" ?Ш)
- ("Shch" ?Щ)
- ("SHCH" ?Щ)
- ("Sj" ?Щ)
- ("SJ" ?Щ)
- ("/Sht" ?Щ)
- ("/SHT" ?Щ)
- ("/T" ?Щ)
- ("~~" "Ъ")
- ("Y" ?Ы)
- ("''" "Ь")
- ("E'" ?Э)
- ("E`" ?Э)
- ("E~" ?Ѣ)
- ("Yu" ?Ю)
- ("YU" ?Ю)
- ("Ju" ?Ю)
- ("JU" ?Ю)
- ("Ya" ?Я)
- ("YA" ?Я)
- ("Ja" ?Я)
- ("JA" ?Я)
- ("Q" ?Я)
- ("/e" ?є)
- ("yi" ?ї)
- ("u'" ?ў)
- ("/d" ?ђ)
- ("/ch" ?ћ)
- ("/g" ?ѓ)
- ("/s" ?ѕ)
- ("/k" ?ќ)
- ("/i" ?і)
- ("/j" ?╤ÿ)
- ("/l" ?љ)
- ("/n" ?њ)
- ("/z" ?џ)
- ("/u" ?ү)
- ("/o" ?ө)
- ("/E" ?Є)
- ("YE" ?Є)
- ("Yi" ?Ї)
- ("YI" ?Ї)
- ("U'" ?Ў)
- ("/D" ?Ђ)
- ("/Ch" ?Ћ)
- ("/CH" ?Ћ)
- ("/G" ?Ѓ)
- ("/S" ?Ѕ)
- ("/K" ?Ќ)
- ("/I" ?І)
- ("/J" ?Ј)
- ("/L" ?Љ)
- ("/N" ?Њ)
- ("/Z" ?Џ)
- ("/U" ?Ү)
- ("/O" ?Ө)))
- (state
- (init
- (map)))
- ;; Local Variables:
- ;; coding: utf-8
- ;; mode: lisp
- ;; End: